Monday, 30 January 2012

The double page feature my magazine

The feature for my dps will be about how a young girl, soon to be 18, who as had a tragic and hard adolescence has now become the biggest upcoming artist for 2012.

The index of the article:
 Arianrhod is the biggest upcoming artist for the New Year and has America at her feet. So where do all the emotions her songs are filled with come from?

Some of the pictures taken for my dps:

The style/look

I want the magazine to look very delicate -simple but strong, similarities to both NME and Q. It is inspired by the design of both those two magazine layouts but also an online indie magazine. The style and look of the magazine is not only based on the ratio and location of text and picture on the page but it is also a lot of weight on how the picture looks, by using mise-en-scene. The inspiration for both the indie style and design is therefore coming from several places; NME, Kerrang!, Q, and a indie blog
So I want my front page to be powerful, similar to the NME front cover I analysed, as well as I want my dps to be slightly similar in proportion to the NME’s dps – it comes back to simple but powerful. And for my contents page I want it more like Q’s contents – lot of pictures as well as information on what the picture is of and what is further inside the magazine.

My target audience

Lilly is 19 years old and has a deeply passion for fashion as well as for music. When she was about 15 years old she started reading music magazine discovering artist, band and different genres of music. As she grew older she developed a certain interest for Indie Pop and Indie Rock and the fashion that followed. She started buying several magazines containing this genre, reading the magazine from start to finish, also finding her favourite artist within Indie, who she followed by internet and twitter and of course had all their songs on her IPod. The fashion within this genre inspired her, so she started sowing her own cloth, similar to the ones she saw in the magazines and those she saw on the Internet of what they were wearing to all from concerts to on a daily basis. Lilly really like making her own clothes and accessories - she liked her individuality and she were also really good at it.
Therefore choose to study further at Leeds university, where she could both get the music as well as the fashion. Lilly is now living and breathing music, going to gigs, hearing the music as well as having an eye open for inspiration for new designs for her clothing line. She is still reading several music magazines a month and uses her music 24/7 for both pleasure and inspiration. 
Pictures from 

The name of my magazine

Since the magazine is based on the indie pop genre I was thinking of names reflecting back to the music type which would make it easy for my readers to understand the genre of the magazine. My thoughts around a name went all from “Creation” with the C in big and bold letters but with some suggestions I ended up playing around with the word Indie. Where I ended up with the letters InD, with the i in the beginning highlighted with big bold letters, as the D follows the i in same size and font where the N is the placed either inside the i letter or the D letter in white. 
This is what I ended up with: 

The style of music

 My magazine’s music genre is Indie Pop and Indie Rock, which I have chosen as it is one of my own personal favourite music genre. The design and style is based on information found on Internet and gathered through research and analysis of NME, Kerrang! and Q. I personally think of Indie Pop/Rock as an alternative music which can both be very aggressive but also very tranquil. I like that every song has a story or a meaning behind it, matching every mood I might be in. As well as the fashion within Indie, simple but with certain details to the outfit. 

Style sheet

The style sheet i've made shows what types of fonts, type of photography and what colour scheme i plan to use in my magazine. I want my masthead to be simple but stand out so it is easy to see, therefore i have chosen helvetica in bold. I want the front cover to be keept clean and simple with minimalistic colours (cream white, peach and gray) and with simple fonts so the concentration and attention will be dragged to the picture. On the contents page, i want to use many different colours as well as many fonts that should create a connection between the font and the image. I.E. Two guys posing to be "bad ass" - i would use more a bold and hard font to reflect on their "hard" attitude. I want the double page spread to be simple with mostly use of red, white and black. Simple pictures with attitude and a simple font for the text. 

Secondary research - Media packs

With the information from Nme’s media pack I found out that their main reader is male with an average age of 25, matching their target market, which is male 17-30. Their readers are attracted to the magazine as 80% of them feel that music is an important part of their lives, where NME introduce them to new artist, bands, albums etc. They know that another way to attract a wider rage of readers is to widen the information they give though the magazine; by listing the new and upcoming artist with the magazine genre, also having old and original artist with their biggest hits or their newest song, building the readers knowledge and interest to know either more about the artist or hearing about them for the first time. Another way the attract readers is giving information of upcoming concerts and articles about past.  As 26% of their readers are students and 34% are working full time they have to find a balance between giving the students articles and news that they will find as interesting as a full time worker will.  Other information from NME’s media pack show us that their readers are also very faithful to the magazine, by 62% reading at least 3 out of 4 issues and 49% have been reading NME for at least 3 years. Concluding, 84% of their readers find that the magazine gives them what they want and therefore give it an average of 46 minutes reading each issue.

With the information from Kerrang!’s media pack I understand that their way of attracting readers is their way of being an integral part of the scene rather than just commentating. Their also aiming for a age group that is rather hard and expensive to reach but as well as their magazine not only brings the reader information about music but also films, games and further technology they build a wider rage of interest for the different readers. They balance their magazine to contain of bands and scenes that will appeal to different types of readers in different age groups, as to give the reader variety, news of their favorite bands but also introducing them for new artist and bands. Kerrang! is known by its reader it be especially concentrating on rock music and rock gigs etc. It is the biggest weekly music magazine in the world and they have a enormous readership of 421,000 people where 70% is solus readership.

With information from Q’s media pack and by looking at the design of the magazine it is easy to understand and see that they aim for a different and more sophisticated age group than NME and Kerrang! is targeting. Their median age is 29 years old. Something all the magazines has in common is that they main reader and main target is male, which 68% of Q’s readers are male. Which isn’t such a high number compared to NME for example, who has a male percentage of 74%.  Otherwise Q is uk’s biggest music magazine, having influence and trust in their shaping the readers view of artist and scenes.  As I mentioned before their magazine style is very sophisticated, with award winning photographs, best interviews and writing. Further seen when they describe a functional target audience, who is 29 years old male figure who got inspired by music in the mid-‘90s, by artist like Liam and Noel, Blur and the Britpop scene. As well as knowing his type of music genre and favorite artist, buying up to 6 albums a month, also being open for new artist and bands represented from his trusting source, Q magazine.  

Surveymonkey - Open Questions

6. Do you read music magazines? If so, which ones?
As most of my friends are from norway there where few who read some english music magazines but the responses i got was basically just NME, Q, Kerrang! or Mojo. Which is all of the magazines (except mojo) i did textual analysis of and gathered information and inspiration from.

7. What are you connotations to indie pop? Do you like this type of music, why/why not?
The connotations to indie didn't give much response but those who answered said things like to be free, bohemian feeling to it, love and festivals.

Some said they liked Indie because it wast so mainstream, which is totally true, indie music is very independent and some would even say a bit strange. Some say they like the lyrics which often can be filled with hat, love, sorrows and different types of moods that could match your own.
The music is funky and fresh, not like sellout music like Pitbull and David Guetta etc. The indie pop artist use more groovy rythms, more talented and are better live preformers that other "radio" artist or band. As well as Indie music can put you in a good mood.

8. Who is your favourite Indie pop artist? Why?
The answers i got back contained of one that was especially repeated though out the answers which was The kooks. Followed by florence and the machine, the shins, Two Door Cinema Club and Kings of Convenience, Arctic Monkeys, Miike Snow, The xx, Vampire weekend, Crystal fighters and The Smiths.
Again it is the rhythm and the instruments that attracts people to this music genre.

9. What would you like to read about in a music magazine?
Mostly people answered album revision, what's the new and hottest music, top 20, upcoming albums and concerts, tours, concerts, festivals, interviews with bands and artist, articles and features about new bands and artists, themed photo shoots, gossip about artist and bands, why the artist make that kind of music but also tutorials for beginners in this genre, which is smart as it could lead to attract a wider range of people by introducing them really to the genre. 

10. How should a front cover for a music magazine look to attract your interest?
The answers summed up, they though that it's important that the photo is a good a photo, quite simple but strong. Also consist of some artist or bands name etc so the reader will know what to expect to read about. A big and rememberable headline so they will instantly know which magazine it is. Some effect to draw attention to the magazine, like a attractive cover line or a photo of a famous person. 
Concluding that the reader would ant a simple design, but one eyecatching element (model, title, photo etc).

Surveymonkey - Closed Questions


1. My first question where if the person was male or female. As this survey is taken mostly by my friends, I therefore i expected a higher rate of females taking this survey. Not necessary meaning that more girls would read my music magazine, but that there may be a error in the truth of the survey.


2.  My second question was regarding which age group the person taking the survey lies in. As well as it is mostly my friends and family that have answered this survey, the response lies 90,2% in the 16-21 box. But as well i think this age group is very fitting as the target age for my own magazine. 

3. My third question is if there where a competition in a music magazine, what would the person taking the survey like to receive as a price? I gave the option between concert tickets, band t-shirt or a  CD and 87,8% would want to receive concert tickets. As expected since the concert ticket is of a higher value than the other prices even if for someone a band t-shirt or a CD is a more long lasting memory. Referring back to the age group again, teens and young adults that follow this type of genre are more likely to want to go to a concert than a old man or woman. 

4. My fourth question is regarding what kind of object people would like to receive when buying a music magazine? I gave the options of a  CD, Poster, Bracelet, Necklace or a Key chain. The question gave various answers but a CD is what a little over half the people taking the survey would want to receive, which again is the price of most value. It may widen the rage of people buying the magazine by having a CD that follows, making people want to buy the magazine only because of the CD at first but develop to like the magazine afterwards or like the magazine and widen their knowledge of that music genre. As well as almost 1/4 of the people answering this survey could want a bracelet, something that they can use and wear on a daily basis and as an accessorize to their fashion within the music genre.

5. My fifth and last open question was whether when reading a music magazine they would want lots of text and some images, lots of images and some general text or an equal amount of images and text.
The survey ended very close between having many images (43,9%) and some general text and having an equal amount of images and text (51,2%). Therefore will my magazine contain to a certain point equal amounts.

Existing products

Tesco’s wide rage of music magazines, finding all of the music magazines I made textual analysis to, Q, NME and Kerrang! Showing that Tesco would want these music magazines in their store means since they are popular and brings them an revenue by being able to meet its customers demand.

Textual analysis - Double page spread

NME, Q and Kerrang double page spread analysis.